Dear Members,
As your Commando Association (CA) Scottish Area Representative and acting on behalf of the CA membership, I have today observed the return of our precious personal memorials to the Commando memorial Garden Spean Bridge, (I had been given special permission to attend the work site area).
All memorials have now been returned and placed back in their original positions. Panoramic photographs were used to achieve this orientation.
The Commando Memorial Garden is all but complete, and what a grand standard the builders and maintenance crews have achieved.
Fairbairn Sykes Fighting Knife Motifs are yet to be added to the entrance pillars and Centre Stone, and the 59 Commando Independent Squadron RE Plaque/Sign is to be re-sited next to the viewing bench shortly (the original site has the garden external wall covering it).
All work carried out was completed with due reverence, care, and respect. I would personally like to thank Dot Ferguson of Highland Council and her maintenance team.
United We Conquer
Dave Matthews